Samsung Medison Co.,Ltd. التطبيقات

Hello Mom
Samsung Medison Co.,Ltd.
* FeaturesThis application provides the following features:1. AlbumManage / edit / share ultrasound images of unborn child2. RecordsLook up growth records of unborn child, such as body weight, headcircumference, etc.3. DiaryA convenient and easy-to-use diary is provided4. Receive SonogramReceive images and data from ultrasound systems via wired/wirelessnetworks5.Appointment ReminderAppointment date setup and alarm service* NoteThis application cannot be used for medical purposes.This application is intended to be used by mothers and their familymembers to transfer, manage, and edit ultrasound images of theirunborn children. It is not intended for clinical or diagnosticuses.To determine the health condition of child or mother, consult aqualified physician.Downloading and installing this application signifies that youagree to the privacy policy of Samsung Medison. To use the 'ReceiveSonogram' and 'Records' features of this product, your hospitalmust provide Samsung Medison's Mobile Export service.* Description'Mementos of your child before birth'Hello Mom provides the Album feature for editing and archivingimages of your child, as well as the 'Birth Diary' feature forkeeping a text and image journal of the pregnancy, which are sureto be precious mementos for the mother.Hello Mom links with Samsung Medison ultrasound systems to transferfetal ultrasound images and growth records directly to the mother'sAndroid mobile phone.The mother can use this application to edit and manage ultrasoundimages that have been received, as well as any other images storedon her mobile phone. In addition, the 'Appointment Reminder'feature lets her set up an appointment for a hospital visit, andreceive reminders later using the alarm feature.
GSTS 1.0
Samsung Medison Co.,Ltd.
samsunghealthcare 사업에 필요한 영업 관리